People, the most precious resource

People are the most precious resource that Came relies on to achieve their goals. They play a central and decisive role in an activity in which attention to safety, customer needs and quality are so important. Operating in the creation of products with high technological added value requires continuous appreciation of the employees of a company. For this reason the Came Group invests important resources in the field of continuous training of its staff, in order to increase its professionalism and ability to maintain high-level production standards.


People are our most valuable resource. Today our Group boasts over 1,400 employees worldwide and our share of different markets shows significant growth potential. The heart of our Group is at our Headquarters in Dosson di Casier; the planning and design centre and core of our entire engineering effort. But our production plants and commercial subsidiaries are located in strategic locations in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia.


Our drive to spread the culture of home automation in schools and to create new employment opportunities for young people led us to open the CAME Campus, a training project for students consisting of classroom lessons and in-house training. In upholding the value of human capital, we have also created a welfare plan and invested on a nutritional awareness project called Food@Work to provide our employees with healthy nutrition in the workplace by involving local food producing stakeholders.


We have always invested heavily in R&D. It’s been an indispensible tool that has driven our project innovation. To reach our goals we rely on our 120 skilled draftsmen and engineers; and our 50 plus patents testify as to the fruits of their labor. To support our spirit of continuous improvement we have created an internal Testing Department. This is a key support function for our research and development units.



Where do you come from?